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000146_owner-lightwav…bcom.webcom.com_Fri Aug 11 04:33:02 1995.msg
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Date: Fri, 11 Aug 1995 07:25:42 -0400 (EDT)
From: Joe <vidjunk@yakko.cs.wmich.edu>
To: Jason Hough <jhough@qualcomm.com>
Cc: lightwave@webcom.webcom.com
Subject: Re: Animating a light source?
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> I am new to Lightwave, using the Pre-release windows NT version, and I am
> wondering if it is possible to animate the intensity of a light from one
> Keyframe to another?
I only have amiga versions but I think it is the same. From the light
panel select the light and open up the envelope (little e next to the
value) and create keyframes in the envelope editor. You can click the
create buttons and make them with the mouse or by the numbers. In drag
mode, left mouse moves the value up and down and right mouse drags the
frames number which the keyframe occurs. Pay attection to the splines at
the beginning and end. Tension of +1 is a good place to start. The
envelpoe editors all work about the same for most all functions. It all
should be in the manual.
The thing I like about LW is that there are so many ways to do the same
thing and it is up to the user to use the best way for the situation.
That is also somewhat confusing at first but it grows on you.
> Setting the value at one frame is fine, but going to another and changing
> it (then updating the key) seems to make that intensity the value for all
> key frames for the light in question.
To set a value for most anything in LW, set it at the value and create a
keyframe for it at frame 0. Hit enter and type 0 if not at frame 0 and
then return. Del all other keys for it and the value will be what you
set it at for the entire anim.
> PS. Will the final release allow for the importing of DXF
files as models? Or can it already do this and I just missed it? :)
They should import but they have to be the full bloated dxf's and not the
cut down format that some cad's use where the elements are not all polygons.
Joe <vidjunk@yakko.cs.wmich.edu> sent this message.
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